Okay, you have decided what you’re going to write about, but where to start. 15 minutes have gone by and you are still just looking at the title.
• Turn off your notifications from your phone/email etc. Plan to focus on your task for just 30 minutes. It’s so easy for our minds to wander because we are connected all the time. Just step back for 30 minutes and focus on the task at hand.
• Close the door – Make people aware that you are working on a project and you need to be undisturbed. Whether you are working from home or the office this can be a struggle. You need to set boundaries to your family/co-workers. Is there an issue that is really so urgent it can’t wait 30 minutes for your attention?
• Try to set a routine for writing/creating your blog content. For example Tuesday and Thursdays from 7-8 is your working time; make sure your family/co-workers are aware of that. Again needing to set boundaries.
Okay now we have our working space, no interruptions. But you are not quite sure how to get started.
• Hold a 3 -5 minute brainstorming session. Jot down what you would like your readers to get of out your of post.
• Have a notepad and pen beside you, when working. Sometimes I prefer to start my ideas on paper. I seem to connect with my thoughts better that way. I jot down some and ideas and then continue on my computer.
• I love Evernote, it’s not just for note taking! You can voice record your thoughts. I think better on my feet, so I can move around and record them. **Best part if you love your audio you can upload it directly to soundcloud** – Why not share with your fans via audio
• Some people feel more creative if they turn on some music, grab your headphones and let the ideas flow.
• Write something! It may not be the post you had planned but at least you getting your ideas down. You may use these thoughts at another time.
• This may seem like a simple suggestion, but go for a walk to clear you head.
Creating content for you blog doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Just sitting down for 30minutes a few times a week can help you create more content for your blog.
Everybody be happy